Understand over() clause in comparison with group by and equivalent code [using inner join and subquery].


  • It is a similar thing to group by but instead of shrinking the table it initializes the value in front of each column & gives its results in front of every row..

  • Group by only gives aggregated columns, other columns are not shown while we use group by. It gives an error if we select other columns.

  • The query which gives error is:

    //gives error
    select name,
    from employee group by gender;


  • We all know that we will use over() to remove this error but we can also solve this using another by using inner join and subquery.
  • The query is:

    //using subquery and inner join
    select name,
    from employee
    inner join
    (select gender,
    count(gender) as gender_total
    from employee 
    group by gender) as genders
    on employee.gender=genders.gender
  • The output we get is:


  • In this query, we have put the query as subquery which was giving an error & performed inner join with employee table on gender column to include other columns. So by this method, we can include other columns with aggregated columns while using group by.
  • But the query is big & requires a lot of brainstorming so equivalent to this which can minimalize the error is over()

The query using over() is:-

select name,
over(partition by gender) 
as gender_total from employee
  • This output of this query is the same as I did above in the inner join query. The output is as follows:-


  • The same thing with CTE[common table expression]
    with  genders as(
    select gender,count(gender) as gender_total from employee group by gender)
    select name,employee.gender,salary,genders.gender_total from employee
    inner join 
    genders on employee.gender=genders.gender